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Warzone Atlanta 2017 Army - henceforth referred to as List 0.3 |
Without getting too into the weeds about the numbering, my thought is major revisions will occur for each event I attend, while minor revisions will be for games in between. For the sake of brevity in this historical look, I'm omitting Index lists (Ver 0.X) and starting with my first Codex list (Ver 1.0):
1.0 - A Valhallan Christmas (RTT) (2-1) List
- Battalion (Kraken)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs (Warlord)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 18 Genestealers: 4 Acid Maws
- 22 Hormagaunts: Adrenal Glands
- 3 Rippers
- 5 Raveners: Spinefists
- Carnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace Tail
- Carnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace Tail
- Spearhead (Kronos)
- Neurothrope
- Neurothrope
- 3 Rippers
- 4 Hive Guard
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
- Fortification Network (Kronos)
- Sporocyst: 5 Deathspitters
1.1 LVO Practice Game for Phil the Glacial Geek (1-0)
- Battalion (Kraken)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs (Warlord)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
1816 Genestealers: 4 Acid Maws22 Hormagaunts: Adrenal Glands- 3 Rippers
- 3 Rippers
- 5 Raveners:
SpinefistsDeathspitters - Spearhead (Kronos)
- Neurothrope
- 4 Hive Guard
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
Fortification Network (Kronos)Sporocyst: 5 Deathspitters- Battalion (Jormungandr)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Heavy Venom Cannon
Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs - Neurothrope
- 10 Termagants: Fleshborers
- 10 Termagants: Fleshborers
- 18 Termagants: Devourers
- Carnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace Tail
- Carnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace Tail
* Formatting Key *
Addition: Bold Green Text
Removal: Strikethrough Red Text
Moved: Italic Purple Text
1.1 Post-Game Analysis and Next Steps
Coming out of the game, I was fairly unimpressed by the Devilgants, continued to be impressed by the Flyrants, and was surprised by the Raveners. My initial thoughts on upgrades for the list were to strip down the Troops to the one Genestealer hit squad and then screening Termagants and some Rippers. I'd also like to get the Hive Guard up to a full squad of six, and get a third Carnifex as well.1.2 Gaming Weekend Variations
I hosted a gaming weekend this past weekend and while I initially wanted to get some play tests in with some other armies to broaden my experience, I had also been debating some more divergent ideas for my Nid lists, and ended up playing mostly variations of those. Namely, I was curious about trying out and implementing some ideas from the success of the Flyrant Spam lists that won a UK GT a couple weeks ago, while also balancing out some discussions we've had recently about more swarm style lists.
Over the weekend, I played three games with three (somewhat) different Nid lists. As a result, I don't know that I can really do the changelog approach for each of them. The first list was a fairly straightforward implementation of Flyrant Spam:
- Battalion (Leviathan)
- 3x Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 3x 3 Rippers
- 30 Gargoyles
- 2x 1 Mucolid
- Battalion (Leviathan)
- 2x Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 3x 3 Rippers
- 3x 1 Mucolid
- Outrider (Kronos)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, [WARLORD]
- 8 Meiotic Spores
- 5x 1 Mucolid
- 120 Points Reserved
In my second game of the weekend, I was playing Andrew in a NOVA mission with an experimental tertiary that is intended to focus on holding points instead of killing units, as killing units is largely a given in 8th edition. As we played it, the tertiary involves nominating two non-Troop units in your list to be Securing units during mission selection. At the start of each turn, you pick one of these two units to Secure an objective. The unit cannot perform any offensive actions while "Securing" - it can only move. While "Securing," the unit is always an eligible target for shooting / powers / etc., regardless of other rules or even Line of Sight. If at the start of your next turn the nominated unit is within 3" of an objective, you score the Tertiary for the turn.
With the tertiary in mind, I opted for a fairly different list, adding in a handful of units I felt would be particularly good at achieving this mission:
- Battalion (Kraken)
- 2x Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 3x 3 Rippers
- Battalion (Kraken)
- Malanthrope
- Neurothrope
- Tervigon: Chameleonic Mutation
- 3 Rippers
- 2x 25 Termagants: Fleshborers
- 5 Zoanthropes
- 25 Gargoyles
- Spearhead (Kronos)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs [WARLORD]
- Neurothrope
- 3x 2 Biovores
For the Tertiary, I selected the Tervigon and the Zoanthropes to score, figuring they were just plain durable. Andrew was playing an Ynnari army and selected two Wave Serpents to score his. I ended up only scoring the Tertiary with the Tervigon, who was able to stay out of range of the Dark Reapers for most of the game. Meanwhile, I was pleasantly surprised with the output of the Zoanthropes, who became my main offense in late turns once the Flyrants were shot down by Reapers.
In the last game, I played James and his melee AdMech list. I updated my first Flyrant Spam list based on that first game to have a bit more outside the flyrants:
- Battalion (Leviathan)
- 3x Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 3x 3 Rippers
- 21 Gargoyles
- 2x 1 Mucolid
- Battalion (Kronos)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs [WARLORD]
- Neurothrope
- 3 Rippers
- 14 Termagants: Fleshborers
- 13 Termagants: Fleshborers
- 3x 2 Biovores
- Outrider (Leviathan)
- 2x Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 5 Meiotic Spores
- 4x 1 Mucolid
I really like the Meiotic Spores for their ability to accent my board control pregame - they give me an "infiltrate" deployment that I believe actually occurs before most others (like Rangers or stratagem based ones). As a result, they limit my opponent's ability to deny my flyrants drop zones.
After a great weekend of gaming, I'll term the first tweak of my list coming out of the weekend as the "official" 1.2 List for my Competitive Tyranids:
- Battalion
(Kraken)(Leviathan) - Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
(Warlord) - Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
16 Genestealers: 4 Acid Maws- 3 Rippers
- 3 Rippers
- 3 Rippers
- 24 Gargoyles
- Mucolid
- Mucolid
5 Raveners: DeathspittersSpearhead (Kronos)Neurothrope4 Hive Guard- Battalion
(Jormungandr)(Kronos) - Flyrant: 2 Devourers,
Heavy Venom CannonMonstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs - Neurothrope
1014 Termagants: Fleshborers1014 Termagants: Fleshborers18 Termagants: Devourers- 3 Rippers
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
- 2 Biovores
Carnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace TailCarnifex: 4 Devourers, Enhanced Senses, Spore Cysts, Bone Mace Tail- Outrider (Leviathan)
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- Flyrant: 2 Devourers, Monstrous Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
- 3 Meiotic Spores
- 3 Meiotic Spores
- Mucolid
Outriders of the Swarm: During deployment, your Meiotic Spores are not deployed with the rest of your army, but instead are set up in freefall. Once both armies are fully deployed, just before the first battle round begins, you may place this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 12" from any enemy models.There are a couple points of uncertainty with this rule, which I would want to clarify before taking this list to an event. The first point of uncertainty is how this rule interacts with other rules that allow for "infiltrate" style deployments, such as Eldar Rangers and the Alpha Legion / Stygies / Raven Guard deployment stratagems. The latter all cite "At the start of the first battle round" as the timing for their deployment, which leads me to believe the Meiotics deploy first. If they do not, and it's all simultaneous, the unit is distinctly less interesting to me.
The other point of uncertainty is how this rule works with Matched Play's Tactical Reserves rule, which requires at least half of an army to be set up on the field during deployment. It is unclear whether "before the first battle round begins" is still during deployment or if these units would count against units deployed on the table for the purposes of tactical reserves. My initial reading was that it was in deployment, but my second reading leads me to believe it isn't. If that's the case, I might need to make some more tweaks before my next game.
I hope you enjoyed this elongated exploration on list building and I'm looking forward to tracking this as I go forward with may very likely be my main Tournament army for 2018. I would also love to get your feedback, both on the lists and what you would be interested in seeing as far as these posts go. Lastly, what do you do to tweak and refine your lists?
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