
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

When Mini War Gaming goes MINI Part 3

So over the last two days we have seen several Mini Games that I have worked on to experiment on Friday Night (Part 1 here Part 2 here).  This is the Stunning Conclusion to this little series: Missions 2 and 3 for the Space Hulk Style mini game.  These missions are Get to the Landing Zone and The Alamo.  Remember, all these missions and styles have not been play tested so there may be some bugs to work out (literally).

Mission 2:  Get to the LZ

It is time to get the hell off the planet so a Viral Bomb can wipe the Tyranid forces.  The Allies need to get to the Landing Zone and the Tyranids are going to do everything in their power to stop them.  For this mission, all allied units gain the Relentless USR, but Vehicles can only move at combat speed due to the fact that they are trying to cover the escape of the troops. 

Board Dimensions:  3x4

Objectives:  Get the allies to the Landing Zone

Victory Conditions:  Allies – Have two units reach the Landing Zone

                                Tyranids – Destroy everyone

Night Fighting is in effect Turn 1 and 2.  Allies go First.

Deployment –

Allies – Blue (18” x 12”)

Tyranids – Red Circles

Landing Zone – Yellow (6” x 6”)

Terrain – D3  Terrain for each 1.5x2 piece of the board (No terrain within 6 inches of Landing Zone)

Tyranids will deploy with half their force, designated as Force 1 below, on the field.  They will be deployed 6 inches from the board edge opposite of the deployment zone for the Allies and at least 12 inches from the landing zone.  Force 2 of the Tyranids will be coming in from Reserve starting Turn 2.  They will appear in area terrain at random and are allowed to move as normal (because they were waiting in an ambush scenario). 

There is no game length for this scenario - either two units make it or they are wiped out.

Force 1:
HQ [ 1 ]

Tyranid Prime (125pt.) Lash whip and bone sword; Devourer; Adrenal glands; Toxin sacs; Regeneration;

Troops [ 7 ]

3x - Tyranid Warrior Brood (105pt.) Scything talons; Deathspitter;
15x - Hormagant Brood (90pt.) 
15x - Hormagant Brood (90pt.) 
15x - Hormagant Brood (90pt.)
15x - Termagant Brood (75pt.) 
15x - Termagant Brood (75pt.)
11x - Genestealer Brood (255pt.) Toxin sacs; Broodlord (60pt.); 

Force 2: 

Elites [ 5 ]

Lictor Brood (65pt.) Chameleonic skin; Flesh hooks; Reinforced chitin; Rending claws; Scything Talons;
Lictor Brood (65pt.) Chameleonic skin; Flesh hooks; Reinforced chitin; Rending claws; Scything Talons;
Lictor Brood (65pt.) Chameleonic skin; Flesh hooks; Reinforced chitin; Rending claws; Scything Talons;
Lictor Brood (65pt.) Chameleonic skin; Flesh hooks; Reinforced chitin; Rending claws; Scything Talons;
Lictor Brood (65pt.) Chameleonic skin; Flesh hooks; Reinforced chitin; Rending claws; Scything Talons;

Troops [ 2 ]

3x - Tyranid Warrior Brood (105pt.) Scything talons; Rending claws; Toxin sacs;
11x - Genestealer Brood (255pt.) Toxin sacs; Broodlord (60pt.); 

Fast attack [ 2 ]

3x - Ravener Brood (105pt.) Scything talons (x3); Reinforced chitin (x3); Rending claws (x3);
3x - Ravener Brood (105pt.) Scything talons (x3); Reinforced chitin (x3); Rending claws (x3);

Mission 3:  The Alamo

The Mission Title says it all:  One last stand for Survival.  The Allies have been pushed back into a desperate situation.  They are in the last Battlement waiting for help to come from their allies.  They are staring at a Horde of Monstrous Creatures looking to destroy them and everything they have fought to protect.  Can the allies make it out, or will the Horde of Flesh overrun them?

Board Dimensions:  3x4

Objectives:  Survive the oncoming horde.

Victory Conditions:  Allies – Survive until Turn 7 or Wipe out Tyranids.

                                Tyranids – Destroy the Allies.

Night Fighting is in effect Turn 1.  Allies are going first.

Deployment –

Allies – Blue

Tyranids – Red

Terrain – D3 Terrain for each 1.5x2 piece of the board

The Deployment Zone for the allies will have a wall around it on all 4 sides.  This is classified as an Open Top AV14 Structure.  This means that the Allies can fire from the top of the Wall as well as from the center.  If a wall has allies on it when it explodes, each model takes an Initiative test.  If the Test is passed, then the defender has dove off the exploding wall and survived.  If failed, the defender is removed as a casualty.  The Tyranids can also assault over the wall as long as they are an Elite, Troop, Fast Attack, or HQ choice and they are not a Monstrous Creature but they are assaulting as if they are going through Difficult Terrain (because they have to go up and over a wall through a hail of gun fire). 

The Tyranid Horde will Deploy with one Tervigon on each side in one of the large circles, with all troop choices in front of them.  The two smaller circles are where the Swarmlord and his group will spawn in Turn 2 (Roll a D6, odd will deploy left and even will deploy to the right.

HQ [ 2 ]

Tervigon (220pt.) Crushing Claws; Stinger salvo; Adrenal glands; Toxin sacs; Catalyst;
Tervigon (220pt.) Crushing Claws; Stinger salvo; Adrenal glands; Toxin sacs; Catalyst;

Elites [ 1 ]

3x - Zoanthrope Brood (180pt.) 

Troops [ 5 ]

20x - Hormagant Brood (120pt.) Chitin 
20x - Hormagant Brood (120pt.) Chitin
20x - Termagant Brood (100pt.) Chitin 
22x - Termagant Brood (110pt.) Chitin 
3x - Tyranid Warrior Brood (105pt.) Scything talons; Deathspitter;

Fast attack [ 1 ]

20x - Gargoyle Brood (120pt.) 

Heavy support [ 2 ]

Trygon (200pt.) Bonded Exoskeleton; Bio-electric pulse; Scything talons (x2);
2x - Biovore Brood (90pt.)

Swarmlord's Cadre:

HQ [ 1 ]

The Swarmlord (340pt.) 
Tyrant Guard Brood (60pt.); 

Troops [ 2 ]

15x - Termagant Brood (150pt.) Devourer ;
15x - Termagant Brood (150pt.) Devourer;

Fast attack [ 1 ]

5x - Ravener Brood (175pt.) Scything talons; Rending claws;

Can three armies come together to stop the Tyranids?  Can our allies brave a world crawling with Tyranids to get off the planet?  Can the defenders hold a final push from a wave of pissed off aliens?  Look next week for a break down of whatever style we play.  Also leave comments on which Mini Game you think will work and play the best.

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