
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

List Building: Space Marine 1,850 Gladius Strike Force

With the Space Marine book leaking more or less in its entirety this morning, I perused the book and decided to take a swing at putting together an army using the new Composite Detachment for the Space Marines, the Gladius Strike Force.

For those not in the know, the Gladius Strike force, like the Necron Decurion and Eldar Warhost, has a Core formation, that unlocks a number of Command and Auxiliary slots.

In this case, the Core is a Battle Demi-Company, which is half of a Codex Chapter, more or less. There's also the added benefit that taking two of them allows all units in the Battle Company to take a Rhino, Razorback, or Drop Pod for free. Kind of a big deal.

My first list capitalizes on this and the fact that the Demi-Company is Objective Secured. The list is built primarily around taking and holding all objectives with Objective Secured units. It's probably not going to table people, but it's going to be hard to move off of objectives. Without further ado:

  • Gladius Strike Force:
    • Battle Demi-Company:
      • Captain
      • 3x5 Tactical Marines: Meltaguns, Combi-Meltas, Drop Pod
      • 5 Assault Marines: 2 Flamers, Combi-Flamer, Drop Pod
      • 5 Devastators: 4 Missile Launchers, Drop Pod
    • Battle Demi-Company:
      • Chaplain
      • 3x5 Tactical Marines: Meltaguns, Combi-Meltas, Drop Pod
      • 5 Assault Marines: 2 Flamers, Combi-Flamer, Drop Pod
      • 5 Devastators: 4 Missile Launchers, Drop Pod
    • 10th Company Task Force:
      • 3x5 Scouts
    • Librarius Conclave
      • Tigurius
      • 4 Librarians: Level 2
Now, I didn't mention it before, but the Librarius Conclave is pretty nasty. See below, but basically one Librarian can channel others' powers and gets a bonus to harnessing warp charges. This combined with Tigurius being able to re-roll, you essentially have auto-casting powers (2+ rerollable) through Tiggy. 

Now, the list isn't optimized, but it's something I threw together in just a few minutes. Dropping some combi weapons would free up room for some Locator Beacons if desired. Additionally, taking Tiggy locks you into the Ultramarines chapter tactices (which are really good here), but swapping him for a regular librarian will get you room for some options as well. 

So what are your thoughts on the list or the book so far? I didn't even touch on Dreadnoughts and vehicles all being able to be taken in squadrons, Thunderfire Cannon units, or any of the other shenanigans available in the new book. 

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