
Thursday, June 11, 2015

47 Weeks of Grey: Week 2, Can superglue remove fingerprints?

Hey everyone,

BeeCee here again with my weekly update.

This update is going to be a little bit different than last week's update. My hobby challenge got thrown for a loop this week in a good way! I was working on my Tyrannofex but then I got a message from a friend looking for a game this weekend. I have been extremely devoted to my Nids for the past two years, almost playing them exclusively. It is time for a little change...

In case you fine folks haven't figured it out, I am a bit of a 40k hoarder. In addition to my 10k points of Tyranids, I also have an 1850 Dark Eldar list (everything is NiB, I got a deal on Bartertown.), about 4000 points of Blood Angels and a crapton of mixed Eldar from second edition to current sculpts.

The Dark Eldar have been on my mind ever since they got a new codex and I have been itching to try them out. With that in mind, I said "Screw it!" and decided to assemble 1500 points of them to get in a game with my friend. I know that is going to make painting them a bit tougher but getting them on the table is something I have really been looking forward to but Tyranid tourney prep has really gotten in the way.

With that said, since I don't really have any pictures of painting progress, because I don't think anyone is excited to see a half painted Tyrannofex, I decided to post the 1500 point list I'm playing this weekend.

Realspace Raiders Detachment:

Archon- Shadow Field, Webway portal, Blaster, Haywire grenades

Kabalite trueborn x5 with 4 blasters in a raider with night shields

Kabalite warriors x5 in Venom with extra splinter cannon
Kabalite warriors x5 in Venom with extra splinter cannon
Kabalite warriors x5 in Venom with extra splinter cannon
Kabalite warriors x5 in Venom with extra splinter cannon

Razorwing jetfighter with dark lances and splinter cannon
Razorwing jetfighter with dark lances and splinter cannon
Razorwing jetfighter with dark lances and splinter cannon
Scourges x5 with 4 blasters
Reaver jetbikes x6 with 2 blasters and 2 cluster caltrops

I will have a proper hobby update next week! Until next time!

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