
Friday, October 3, 2014

First Look Dark Eldar List Building: 1,850

After running quickly through the updated rules, I couldn't help but throw together a list that uses a bunch of the elements of the new Dark Eldar.

This is by no means the most optimized list, but has a lot of things that I think can work well, as well as some models I personally don't like going without.

To begin, for me, I wanted to go with an Archon, with some pricey upgrades in the way of a Shadowfield and Huskblade. He also gets the Armour of Misery, which gives Fear and a -2Ld to nearby enemy units, which could be extremely brutal in combat.

To accompany him, I have a unit of 5 Incubi. If I could, I would bump up the numbers even more. They'll ride in a Raider with a Dark Lance and Night Shields.

The other HQ is a Haemonculus with Hexrifle and Webway Portal. The Webway portal's non-scattering deep strike should be nice combined with a unit that has some potential shooting.

The Troops section is full up with Kabalite Warriors. Four minimum units with Blasters in Venoms with Splinter Cannons. The final two units will be 10 strong in Raiders with Dark Lances, Blasters, and Night Shields on the Raiders.

In addition to the Incubi, the Elites section will include 6 Mandrakes who are a bit better with their harassment (since they get Baleblast automatically) and 10 Wracks with 2 Ossefactors. I like the new gun, though with the Deep Striking from the Haemonculus, a host of Liquifier guns might be nicer.

For Fast Attack, I tossed in the two choices that got significant point decreases: Reavers and Scourges. The Reavers will be two groups of 3 with Blasters for hunting vehicles. Meanwhile the minimum Scourges can drop in and hunt infantry with their Shardcarbines.

The list is rounded out with a Voidraven for some more armor punching power. In all, that brings me to the following list:

  • Archon: Shadowfield, Armour of Misery, Huskblade
  • Haemonculus: Webway Portal, Hexrifle
  • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
    • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
  • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
    • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
  • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
    • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
  • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
    • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
  • 10 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster, Dark Lance
    • Raider: Dark Lance, Night Shields
  • 10 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster, Dark Lance
    • Raider: Dark Lance, Night Shields
  • 5 Incubi:
    • Raider: Dark Lance, Night Shields
  • 6 Mandrakes
  • 10 Wracks: 2 Ossefactors
  • 3 Reavers: Blaster
  • 3 Reavers: Blaster
  • 5 Scourges
  • Voidraven
The list has lots of options for deployment, with just about every unit able to deep strike courtesy of their Raider/Venom. The army is very fast and has a good amount of firepower, with plenty of Darklight weapons and lots of poison, as could be expected. I would be sorely tempted to drop a Warrior squad or the Mandrakes for more Incubi to make that unit a bigger CC threat.

What lists are you toying with in the new codex?

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