
Friday, August 8, 2014

Space Wolves First Look Hotness Post

Chandler will be doing the Space Wolf Codex justice this weekend and going through it, but I thought I would share what I thought at first glance to be an insane and fun broken combo that came to mind, using the current NOVA army creation rules. The list hits hard and has a bit of a deathstar with Thunderwolf Cavalry, but I'm sure there are other ways to go about it.

The list partially hinges on the fact that currently NOVA is limiting armies to a single CAD, but allowing other detachments like the Ork Warband detachment. The Wolves Uleashed detachment in the new codex, is similar, in that is a variation on a CAD, that allows 2-6 HQs.

Using an Ultramarine Primary CAD, I came up with this:

  • Ultramarines:
    • Tigurius
    • Chapter Master: Bike, Shield Eternal, Power Fist, Artificer Armor
    • 5 Scouts
    • 5 Scouts
    • 3 Devastator Centurions: Grav, Omniscope
    • 3 Devastator Centurions: Grav, Omniscope
  • Space Wolves Unleashed
    • Harald Deathwolf: 2 Fenrisian Wolves
    • Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Runic Armor, Thunderwolf Mount, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Fenrisian Wolf
    • 5 Blood Claws: Drop Pod
    • 5 Blood Claws: Drop Pod
    • 3 Thunderwolf Cavalry: Power fists
    • Drop Pod
    • Drop Pod
From there, it's pretty simple. You can start with nothing on the board, or hide the scouts somewhere if you want. Turn 1 you have the 2 Centurions and Tiggy drop down in pods for an alpha strike. Alternatively, if the Scouts are in good shape, drop in the Blood Claws and hide them as well. The Wolves and Bike outflank and prepare to hit something likely turn 3.

I'm not saying it will win all the games - the army is incredibly small, though fairly durable. It's also going to hit like a Mac Truck. Just some food for thought.

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