
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

List Building - 1850 April Tournament Iron Hands and Space Wolves

What's up everyone?  This morning I had to move my 40k stuff around to make room for some construction and realized that I hadn't really thought about combining my two major armies into an ally list since the very beginning of 6th Edition (It was a very 5th edition list that got blown away).  So I started thinking about my list, what I would want, what would be the theme driving it, and what would be awesome to put onto the field.  I came up with one list that really brings the Space Wolf philosophy and the Iron Hands philosophy into full view.  I am using the Clan Raukaan and Space Wolf Codex for this list.

Who wants some?
So I decided to do an Iron Hands Primary with a Space Wolf allied detachment.  The theme I started thinking of was the Walking Ancients, but then decided to go with something that has a little more flair.  In the list I have:

Space Marines - Iron Hands (1850/1850pt.)

Iron Hands and Wolves 1850 April Army

HQ [ 2 ]

Master of the Forge (90pt.)
Artificer armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Servo-harness; Bolt pistol; Boltgun;
Librarian (130pt.)
Psychic hood; Terminator armour; Force weapon; Storm shield; The Ironstone; Mastery Level 1;
Elites [ 1 ]

Dreadnought (110pt.)
Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Multi-melta; Power fist; Built-in Heavy flamer;

Troops [ 2 ]

10x - Tactical Squad (150pt.)

  • 1x - Space Marine Sergeant (14pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Chainsword; Bolt pistol;
  • 1x - Space Marine (24pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Meltagun;
  • 8x - Space Marine (14pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Boltgun;

    10x - Tactical Squad (200pt.)   

  • 1x - Space Marine Sergeant (24pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Combi-grav; Chainsword;
  • 1x - Space Marine (29pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Grav-gun;
  • 8x - Space Marine (14pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Boltgun;  
  • 1x - Rhino (35pt.); Storm bolter; Smoke launchers; Searchlight;

  • Fast attack [ 1 ]

    Stormtalon Gunship (125pt.)

    Ceramite plating; Twin-linked assault cannon; Skyhammer missile launcher;

    Heavy support [ 3 ]

    Stormraven Gunship (200pt.)
    Ceramite plating; Stormstrike missile (x4); Twin-linked Multi-melta; Twin-linked Assault cannon;
    Dreadnought (120pt.)
    Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Twin-linked autocannon (x2);
    Land Raider Redeemer (250pt.)
    Twin-linked assault cannon; Flamestorm cannon (x2); Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Frag Assault Launcher; Multi melta;
    Secondary Detachment [ 1 ]

    HQ [ 1 ]

    Rune Priest (165pt.)
    Runic Weapon; Frag and Krak Grenades; Runic Armour; Bolt Pistol; Space Marine Bike; Chooser of the Slain;
    Troops [ 1 ]

    10x - Grey Hunters Pack (195pt.)
    Power Armour (x10); Frag and Krak grenades (x10); Close Combat Weapon (x10); Bolt Pistol (x10); Bolter (x8); Plasma Gun (x2);
    1x - Rhino (35pt.); Storm Bolter; Smoke Launchers; Searchlight;

    Heavy support [ 1 ]

    5x - Long Fangs Pack (115pt.)   

  • 1x - Squad Leader (15pt.); Power Armour; Frag and Krak grenades; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon;   
  • 4x - Long Fang (25pt.); Power Armour; Frag and Krak grenades; Close Combat Weapon; Missile Launcher;

    So what do you think?  A pretty straight forward list.  Just walk across board, bring rain from long Range, and if I have to get into it, well I at least have a shot....hopefully. The MoF is in the Storm Raven, the Librarian is in the Tank (with the Ironstone and walking body guards), and the Rune Priest is in the Rhino with some moving cover.  Hopefully this will be a fun list to not only try, but to also play.  Should provide a very interesting way of playing the game and should provide a challenge and I like to feel that I have made a very interesting fluffy list where if I happen to get a BGNT, I am set.  Let's Face It.  IWND = AWESOME

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