
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Facing the Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 7: Paul Murphy Surfs the Grey Tide

What's up Everyone?  It's another week and another Special Guest on the Podcast.  This week we were able to hunt down The Man, The Myth, and The Legend that is Paul Murphy of Forge the Narrative and we welcomed Paul tonight to talk about everything that happened at AdeptiCon, List Building, and the missions that he has been working on.  It was a pleasure to talk to him and get his insight on some hot topics that are currently in the world of 40k.

Paul came in ready to roll, grabbed his surf board, and road the Grey Tide into shore.  We even had time to fire up the Delorean for a few old stories.  FYI - First Blood went to him.

Hope you enjoy the episode.

Facing the Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 7: Paul Murphy Surfs the Grey Tide
(To Download, Right Click and Save As)

Intro and Exit Provided by Donnie Drost, Angry Ophelia's Song featuring Musetta, edited from original version, 2009 Licensed under Creative Commons

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