
Monday, April 28, 2014

Battle for Blacksburg Tournament Review

This past weekend was the Battle for Blacksburg, a small local 1,850 Tournament, and hopefully the first of many to come. The tournament was a one day, three round event, with 12 players showing up day of. The room was big enough for 16 players, so there was plenty of room.

Full results can be found on Torrent of Fire, but FTGT represented well. To start the day, I won best painted (voted by players' choice). After three rounds of battle, Ron came away with second place, with Sean Barkley taking home first prize.

Full army set-up - Forgot to take a picture at the event
The field was an interesting mix; the most popular army was Tyranids with 3 armies, followed by Necrons and Daemons/CSM with 2 each. There were single armies of Eldar, Dark Eldar with Eldar allies, Blood Angels with Space Marines, Iron Hands with Space Wolf Allies, and Chaos Space Marines. Of the 12 players at the event, only 5 were local, meaning a majority of attendees made the trip from elsewhere (though I believe all were from in state).

In the end, I had a great time, played some tough and fun games, and met some awesome fellow gamers. I'll put together some battle reports for later in the week, but for now, enjoy a quick pic-dump, though I really should have taken more photos (so, if you were threre and have pics, send them my way to be added).

Round 1 against Rick's CSM

Round 2 against David's Eldar

Round 3, a FTGT Bug faceoff against Ron

Round 2: Ron vs. Jonathan's Blood Angels

Round 2: Chandler's Iron Hands/Wolves vs. Rob Tilley's Daemons

Round 2: Alex's Necrons vs. Rick's CSM

More from Alex vs. Rick

Round 2: Champion Sean Barkley's Dark Eldar/Eldar vs. Eric's Necrons

Round 2: Anthony's Tyranids vs. Justin's Daemons/CSM

Alex vs. Eric Necron Battle round 1
Alex's Necrons vs. Rick's CSM
Alex's Necrons vs. Rob Tilley's Daemons

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