
Friday, March 14, 2014

Necron Painting Day

In our last podcast, I mentioned that I was toying with the idea of binge-painting some Necrons. So, last Saturday, I put together and fixed the warriors I had (24) and Scarabs (5) along with a couple Necron Lords and got them ready for a massive batch paint.

I went ahead and attached the fuel rods as I decided I would be going with a blue glow rather than green with these guys. I was going with a bone color and decided to try a white primer.

I then promptly sprayed each model more or less entirely in a dark brown. I probably should have gone with a black primer instead.

Next up was a bone highlight sprayed at about a 45 degree angle all around the model. The contrast was a little sharp, and I probably should have done a brown midcoat. Oh well, lesson learned for the next batch.

To tone down the whiteness a little, I sprayed the models with Reikland Fleshshade wash.

This was followed by a direct overhead highlight of the bonewhite again.

A bit of a closeup look at the lord:

The next stage was going in with my fine point airbrush and painting the tubing white. My plan was to use extremely watered down blues to create a glow/OSL look to these parts.

It took a bit of testing, and in the end I decided to avoid the OSL for the most part except around the eyes and on the Lord with resurrection orb since it would look sloppy unless I took a lot more time on each mini. The blue was simply a strongly watered Lothern blue painted over the white.

I then watered down the mix even more to do some OSL on the lord, and followed that with a watered sky-blue to highlight the model.

I also "based" each model with Agrellan Earth. I'd heard you needed to apply it thickly to get the crackle effect, and thought I did, but apparently not thick enough. Most of the bases ended up with only a few crackles, so I will have to go back and add more.

I also need to paint the edges of the bases to give them a more finished look. I also added some purple and red markings on the warriors, and the lords' cloaks. The cloaks will get a wash and a highlight, but at this point they're just about table ready at least, and 90% done.

Overall, I'm happy with what I got done in about 6 hours on a Saturday. Another batch like this of some heavier hitters should get me close to a full 1,000 point army.

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