
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

FTGT 40k Giveaway for 40k Views Contest

As fans of 40k, we find it fitting to do something special as we approach 40k page views. We're still about 10k away, but when kicking around the thought of doing something to celebrate, we came up with the idea of doing a little contest, and want to give everyone plenty of time to get as many entries as possible.

The Prize: Up to $100 in GW boxed product. This is a hard cap, and we're leaving it up to the winner to pick out what they want in whole boxes.*

The Deadline: As soon as we reach 40k views we will close the contest, tally up the entries, and use a random allocation to determine a winner.

How to Enter: You can get a single entry for either commenting here or shooting us an email at ftgtgaming at gmail. Your comment should list in brief detail what your Grey Tide consists of, with numbers, either in points or number of models. So, for example, "45-50 Ork boyz, 3 Killa Kans, 10 Nobz," or  "about 1,000 points of Necrons" or "$300 of Dark Eldar troop boxes" are all valid responses. Be as complete as you want. This will get you one (1) entry in the contest.

How to Get More Chances to Win: Paint your minis and show us your progress through your Grey Tide. To make this as kosher as possible, your entry will only count if you submit before and after photos to the FTGT 40k Contest Flickr Group. The before photo can be primed (colored primers are fine), but cannot otherwise be painted and must be taken after this post. Unless you specify otherwise, we will share these photos (with whatever attribution you want) in update posts as the contest progresses.

To try to make it as even as possible, we have assigned the following scoring system based on model base size**:

25mm/Regular Infantry: 1 point
40mm/Large Infantry: 2 points
60mm/Monster: 5 points
Oval Base/Vehicle: 10 points

For every 10 points of painted models submitted, you will receive and additional entry.

We will provide regular updates on page views (and there is a tracker in the right tool bar) to keep everyone in the loop about how long the contest will continue to run as well as sharing everyone's progress. The contest will end once we reach 40k page views. Should we reach the 40k mark before October 29, entries will be closed, but you will have until the 29th to submit photos for additional entries in the drawing***.

Feel free to ask any questions here (and get entered in the drawing while you're at it) or to our email address: ftgtgaming [at] gmail. Good Luck!

*This is $100US as set by GW. We reserve the right to revoke your winning draw and give it to someone else if you get nitpicky about free loot.

** Generally, this should be the base the model is originally packaged with. Anything without a base or with an odd relation in terms of size to its base, or put on a display base will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

*** Just in case something crazy happens. The whole point of the contest is to get people painting so all entrants will get at least 3 weeks from the contest start date.

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