
Thursday, August 15, 2013

NOVA Prep: Bug Zapper List

+Evan S came to me the other night with a very interesting request.  As you all know he is prepping for NOVA and he wanted to have some practice.  So I agreed to put together a few lists to challenge his Mighty Bugs.  I figured for all bugs they hate three things:  Blasts, Templates, and Armored Vehicles.  With that in mind, I created three Bug Killer Lists to take on the Full Force of Evan's Tyrannids.

I decided that I would take minimal troops and try to get as much heat down field as possible to take out as much as possible for all of my lists.

List 1: Bug Zapper Armored List -


Ulrik the Slayer
Rune Priest in Power Armor - Chooser of the Slain
Rune Priest in Terminator Armor - Chooser of the Slain


Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 2x Plasma Guns, Power Sword
Grey Hunter Pack (9) - Flamer, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword
Grey Hunter Pack (8) - Melta Gun

Heavy Support-

Long Fangs (6) - 5x Missile Launchers


Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 5 Terminators, Land Raider Redeemer, Storm Shield/Assault Cannon, Power Maul, Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, Power Fist

This list has an obvious theme:  Many Different Styles of shots down field with back up.  The Whirlwind and Long Fangs provide long distance support, the Wolf Guards get into battle with the Redeemer supporting all the way, and the Dreadnoughts provide mobile platforms to throw out some good shots and take on the Monstrous Creatures.

List 2: Bjorn and Friends Bug Killers:


Bjorn the Fell-Handed - Twin Linked Lascannon
Ulrik the Slayer
Rune Priest in Runic Power Armor


Grey Hunter Pack (9) - Plasma Gun, Rhino
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 2x Plasma Gun

Heavy Support-

Long Fangs - 5x Missile Launchers

Elites -

Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 5 Terminators, Power Maul, Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, 2x Wolf Claw, Power Fist,  Storm Shield/Assault Cannon, Land Raider Redeemer
Dreadnought - Heavy Flamer, Twin Linked Heavy Flamer, Wolf Tail Talisman, Wolftooth Necklace, Drop Pod

This List has an Alpha Stike aspect with a Pissed Off Dreadnought coming in off a flank, Ulrik will be hanging with the Long Fangs (Reroll on all enemies T5 or higher), and Bjorn will be looking to take on either Flyrants, Monstrous Creatures, or hitting specific people (BS6 Character).  The Rhino will just be running around with the Rune Priest trying to support on the back lines.

List 3: Rolling Thunder Bug Killer List:


Ulrik the Slayer
Rune Priest in Runic Power Armor - Chooser of the Slain
Wolf Lord in Terminator Armor - Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Wolf Tail Talisman, Wolftooth Necklace

Troops -

Grey Hunter Pack (10) - Flamer, Power Sword, Mark of the Wulfen, Plasma Gun
Grey Hunter Pack (9) - Flamer, Rhino

Heavy Support -

Long Fangs - 5x Missile Launchers
Land Raider Redeemer

Elite -

Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 5 Terminators, Power Maul, 2x Wolf Claw, Chain Fist, Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield, Storm Shield/Assault Cannon, Land Raider

This List has two parts to it.  The first part is the in your face AV14 Land Raiders.  The Redeemer has the two Flamestorm Cannons and Twin Linked Assault Cannons while the Land Raider has the Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and 2x Twin Linked Lascannon.  These guys will be able to go after flying units as well as ground units.  The Wolf Guard and Wolf Lord will be looking to go punch something in the face.  The Rune Priest will be in the Rhino Driving around supporting the back line Whirlwinds, Long Fangs, and Ulrik.

I am not sure what list will be used tonight, but I know that it will be a challenge, Evan will get some experience, and we get to play Warhammer 40k on a Weekday Night.  These all are positives and I can't wait to give my reaction to the game.

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