
Monday, May 11, 2015

List Building: Necron Decurion - MSU

After a few 1k Tournaments, I have taken a bit of a step back from my Necrons. My initial lists focused on Deathstars, largely centered on Orikan and a blob of Lychguard. The issue is the full star with all its buffs often ran up nearly half the army's point cost. What I found was that this limited the tools in the army to deal with tough or numerous targets.

So, when I played Neil's MSU list a couple weeks ago, it got the wheels turning and I really liked what his list offered. It takes advantage of Decurion Necrons' durability to offset this major weakness of most MSU lists.

Neil's list in centered around a Decurion detachment, with a Reclamation Legion with two extra units of Tomb Blades, and then three Canoptek Harvests and a Destroyer Cult. The list follows the mantra of "more boys, less toys" to a large degree, with the only upgrades throughout the list being a heavy destroyer in each destroyer unit and Shield Vanes for the Tomb Blades. In the game against me, he also tried out a Catacomb Command Barge instead of the Reclamation Legion Overlord, forcing him to drop a solo Heavy Destroyer to cover the points.

The list is incredibly mobile and supremely durable. The main tactic seemed to be to push the warriors down the flanks and push the fast movers largely into the middle of the board. As an opponent, going up the middle is wading into the teeth of the Necron army, while attacking the flanks will see each side rapidly supported by on average 2 units or Wraiths, Scarabs, Tomb Blades, and Destroyers, with the third unit of each sticking in the middle to respond to a counter push to the opposite flank or middle.

Taking Neil's list as a major inspiration, while also keeping my own collection in mind, I've come up with this adaptation:

  • Reclamation Legion:
    • Catacomb Command Barge: Phylactery
    • 5 Immortals
    • 5 Immortals
    • 12 Warriors
    • 10 Warriors
    • 3 Tomb Blades: Shield Vanes, Nebuloscopes, Particle Beamers
    • 3 Tomb Blades: Shield Vanes, Nebuloscopes, Gauss Blasters
  • Canoptek Harvest:
    • Spyder
    • 3 Scarabs
    • 3 Wraiths: 2 Whip Coils
  • Canoptek Harvest:
    • Spyder
    • 3 Scarabs
    • 3 Wraiths
  • Destroyer Cult: 
    • Destroyer Lord: Warscythe
    • 4 Destroyers: 1 Heavy Destroyer
    • 4 Destroyers: 1 Heavy Destroyer
    • 4 Destroyers: 1 Heavy Destroyer
To break down the changes, I only took 2 Canoptek Harvests because I happen to only have 2 Spyders and 6 Wraiths. I also only had 2 units of Tomb Blades (even though I only have one box, would need another)and gave them Ignores Cover because I think it makes them pretty threatening. In the destroyer cult, I have the models and liked the increased threat an extra destroyer provided, so took 3 normal and 1 heavy instead of just 2 and 1. I also added a second unit of Immortals and a couple extra warriors because I could. Finally, I used the last 6 points to add Whip Coils to two of the Wraiths. 

Is the list optimized? No, probably not - it has three fewer units than Neils list, which is probably a bit more along the lines of razor focused. That said, I like the look of the list and think it would still be pretty strong and fun to play with. 

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