
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

List Building: 1,850 Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies

A couple weeks into the new Dark Eldar book and I think the jury is still out as far as how they will do as a solo force. Despite any controversy about Dark Eldar on their own, I think just about everyone agrees that the new book has very powerful combos with the already powerful Eldar. In this list build, I'm planning on keying on some of that, taking well known and strong Eldar units as an "allied" backbone to the army (the Eldar are more than half the points in this list).

First up, leading the list, is an Archon Web Way Portal caddie, who also gets the Armour of Misery, partly because I think it's cool. We'll get to his purpose in the Eldar section, but he'll try to deny Warlord and stay in deep strike reserve with the Eldar bomb he's bringing.

Next is a Haemonculus with a Hexrifle. Sniper rifle that deals instant death on Precision shots is nice. He will be joined by a unit of Wracks with an Ossefactor in a Raider with a Dark Lance and Night Shields. This unit will hide in the backfield taking potshots at opportune targets, and jinking if any fire comes their way.

I also added 5 Mandrakes for some disruption and because the models are dead sexy.

In the Troops section are the obligatory 2 units of Warriors with a Blaster and Venom with 2 Splinter Cannons.

Rounding out the Dark Eldar Contingent is 3 Reavers to jump around and cap uncontested objectives. They're not quite as good at this role as their craftworld kin, but still can get just about anywhere on the board.

Now, for the heavy hitting portion of the list; the Eldar allies. Starting out, the Eldar are led by Fuegan, who is joined by 6 Fire Dragons with an Exarch with Fast Shot. These bad boys are mounted up in a Wave Serpent with Ghostwalk Matrix and Scatter Lasers. When joined by the Archon, the Wave Serpent Deep Strikes without scattering.

The real jankiness comes in when the Fire Dragons and Fuegan disembark, while the Archon stays on board the Wave Serpent. This will allow the Fire Dragons to Battle Focus in the shooting phase and keep the Archon relatively safe in a Wave Serpent. That's a dead Knight, no sweat.

The Eldar are rounded out by 2 units of Dire Avengers with 2 Wave Serpents and then a Wraithknight.

So, the list I have looks like:

  • Dark Eldar CAD: 
    • Archon: Webway Portal, Armour of Misery
    • Haemonculus: Hexrifle
    • 5 Wracks: Ossefactor
      • Raider: Dark Lance, Night Shields
    • 5 Mandrakes
    • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
      • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon, Chain Snares
    • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
      • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
    • 3 Reaver Jetbikes
  • Eldar Allied Detachment:
    • Fuegan
    • 6 Fire Dragons: Exarch w/Fast Shot
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Ghostwalk Matrix, Holo-fields
    • 5 Dire Avengers: 
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Holo-fields
    • 5 Dire Avengers:
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields
    • Wraithknight
Admittedly, I'm not giving much love to the Dark Eldar, with the list really revolving around the Eldar contingent. To completely streamline this list, the Dark Eldar would be the ally, and drop the Haemonculus and everything but the Warriors in Venoms, adding in some Eldar Jetbikes and more Wave Serpents. That would come out to something like this:
  • Eldar CAD:
    • Fuegan
    • 6 Fire Dragons: Exarch w/Fast Shot
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Holofields, Ghostwalk Matrix
    • 5 Dire Avengers: 
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Holofields,
    • 5 Dire Avengers:
      • Wave Serpent: Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Holofields
    • 3 Jetbikes
    • 3 Jetbikes
    • 6 Swooping Hawks
    • Wraithknight
    • Nightspinner: Ghostwalk Matrix
  • Dark Eldar Ally:
    • Archon: Armour of Misery, Webway Portal
    • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
      • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
    • 5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
      • Venom: Second Splinter Cannon
This list is pretty strong, though some people might have reservations about the Phoenix Lord as being too overpriced and opt for an Autarch or couple Farseers instead. Regardless, the list puts a lot of fire down range and is highly mobile all around. 

What do you think of the lists? What combos or Dark Eldar units have really caught your attention?

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