
Monday, June 23, 2014

NOVA Bound: Trios Team - The Good, The Bad, and the Hungry

So while my Trios teammates Ron and Todd have had their rosters more or less set for a while now, I have long been in the air as far as what army I will take. With NOVA sneaking up fast, I think I need to go ahead and make a decision so we can start getting theming materials and the like prepped.

And so, I think I will go with Necrons. With Trios being a pretty open event at least in the singles game, I think I'll pick up a Star God for my Transcendent C'Tan. That will be the only purchase I need to make to get my 2k list in order, which looks something like:

  • Overlord: Catacomb Command Barge, Mindshackle Scarabs, Phase Shifter, Phylactery, Resurrection Orb, Sempiternal Weave, Warscythe
  • Harbinger of Despair: Veil of Darkness
  • 10 Immortals
  • 5 Warriors: Night Scythe
  • 5 Warriors: Night Scythe
  • 10 Scarabs
  • Annihilation Barge
  • Annihilation Barge
  • Annihilation Barge
  • Transcendent C'Tan: Cosmic Fire, Transliminal Slide, Wave of Withering
I have a bit more play with the 1k List, but it would probably have the same CCB Overlord (coming in at 300 points) and then a little mix and matching. Unfortunately, as is, the list is limited by the Trios restrictions of taking an allied detachment, meaning my list looks something like this:

    • Overlord: Catacomb Command Barge, Mindshackle Scarabs, Phase Shifter, Phylactery, Resurrection Orb, Sempiternal Weave, Warscythe
    • Harbinger of Despair
    • 5 Deathmarks
    • 5 Warriors: Night Scythe
    • 5 Warriors: Night Scythe
    • 10 Scarabs
    • Annihilation Barge
    I could also drop 3 Scarab bases for two Storm-teks, but currently don't have the models. The beauty of these lists for my wallet is, outside the Transcendent C'Tan, I have all the minis. I would need to pick up Escalation and templates for the C'Tan as well. 

    The painting list is also surprisingly manageable, in part because of my simple scheme. Combined with my needs for my Tyranids, my painting list comes out to:
    • Must Paint:
      • Catacomb Command Barge
        • Lord - update/touch up (85%)
      • Transcendent C'Tan
      • 2 Annihilation Barges
      • 2 Night Scythes (assembled)
      • 10 Immortals
      • 10 Hormagaunts
      • Tyrannofex gun and head and underside of tervigon
      • Flyrant with magnetized Boneswords, scything talons
      • 5 Deathmarks
      • 5 Scarab Bases (assembled)
    • Stretch Goals
      • Haruspex Head and Claws (50%)
      • New Converted Crone
      • 10 Hormagaunts
      • Malifaux Crew(s) - Jakob Lynch and The Kin sets
    Despite how long it looks, with the exception of the C'Tan, I think the rest can be done in about a day of painting, full weekend at most. The first barge did take me about 3 hours all told, and batch painting 3 barges and 2 scythes shouldn't add that much to that time. 

    Real life is of course going to impede a bit. I know already I won't have a full weekend to paint for all of July. But with a shored up list of items to do, I am confident I can chip away at the list and keep the all out pushes to a minimum. 

    So what do you think of my Necron lists? What do you think of my painting list, is it feasible for 9 weeks?

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