
Thursday, May 29, 2014

SpikeyCon Army List Preview: Iron Hands

With SpikeyCon just around the corner at FTW Games in Richmond, VA, you had better believe I have been furiously creating 7th Edition armies.  I decided that for the first tournament I would bring just a single army, bounded, with a score to settle.  After much debate and the fact that my beloved Space Wolves got hit with a Nerf Bat the size of Alaska, I decided to go with my other army, the Iron Hands.

Having read through a quarter of the book and reading as much as I can about 7th edition, I have come to a few conclusions.

  1. The new phases of the game are going to be interesting in how they play out from army matchup to army matchup and mission to mission.
  2. There are going to be some interesting builds in the tournament.
  3. Screw everything, I am doing what I want and going to play as such.

SO the following list is built around the fluff, around the army motto, and around an all around approach to everything from ground troops to heavy vehicles to flyers.

The fluff talks about how the Marines of the 10th legion have an extreme respect and appreciation for the Machine Spirits, the mighty warriors of the dreadnoughts, and the incredible dichotomy between logic and warrior spirit.

I decided that the HQ choice should be one that can deny the witch and tend the machines.  I also wanted to have as many vehicle models as I could.  Having listened to the latest Forge the Narrative podcast, I decided to give troops that should be able to withstand most attacks and hold down objectives on their own.  My list shook out as:

Space Marines: Iron Hands - Clan Raukaan (1850/1850pt.)

HQ [ 2 ]

  • Master of the Forge (110pt.) Artificer armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Servo-harness; Bolt pistol; Power axe; Melta bombs;
  • Librarian (155pt.) Psychic hood; Terminator armour; Force weapon; Storm shield; The Ironstone; Mastery Level 2;

Elites [ 2 ]

  • Dreadnought (120pt.) Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Twin-linked autocannon (x2);
  • Dreadnought (135pt.) Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Twin-linked lascannon; Missile launcher;

Troops [ 3 ]

  • 10x - Scout Squad (154pt.) Camo cloaks;
    • 1x - Scout Sergeant (12pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Sniper rifle; Bolt pistol;
    • 1x - Scout (26pt.); Scout armor; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Missile launcher;
    • 8x - Scout (12pt.); Scout armor; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Sniper rifle;

  • 10x - Tactical Squad (170pt.)
    • 1x - Space Marine Sergeant (34pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Power weapon; Bolt pistol; Melta bombs;
    • 1x - Space Marine (24pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Meltagun;
    • 8x - Space Marine (14pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Boltgun;

  • 10x - Tactical Squad (170pt.)
    • 1x - Space Marine Sergeant (34pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Combi-melta (x2);
    • 1x - Space Marine (24pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Meltagun;
    • 8x - Space Marine (14pt.); Power armour; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Bolt pistol; Boltgun;

Fast attack [ 1 ]

  • Stormtalon Gunship (125pt.) Ceramite plating; Twin-linked assault cannon; Skyhammer missile launcher;

Heavy support [ 3 ]

  • Land Raider (250pt.) Twin-linked heavy bolter; Twin-linked lascannon (x2); Smoke launchers; Searchlight;
  • Stormraven Gunship (201pt.) Ceramite plating; Stormstrike missile (x4); Twin-linked Multi-melta; Twin-linked Lascannon; Searchlight;
  • Land Raider Crusader (260pt.) Twin-linked assault cannon; Hurricane bolter (x2); Smoke launchers; Searchlight; Frag Assault Launcher; Multi melta;

With this list, I can combat squads into 5s and have them either in the open or in all Heavy Support Transports.  I have the Stormtalon and Stormraven that can either Tank hunt or Vehicle/Flyer hunt.  I also have 3 vehicles that are going to be hard to pop and 2 that will be providing long range support in conjunction with the others for a moving blockade / force wall.

I love Fluff, I love building fun lists, and no matter what happens at FTW, I will be gaming with some of my best friends, playing against some awesome guys, and doing what we all want to do each weekend.

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