
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Painting a Magnetized Exocrine

As I mentioned in a previous post, magnetizing the Exocrine/Haruspex was pretty straightforward. For the tournament last Sunday I wanted to get one of the Exocrines painted up, even if I didn't finish the Haruspex parts.

I started out by priming all the pieces Shadow Grey (nearly black) and then did a little pre-highlighting with my white primer.

I tried to be pretty sparing with this since I needed to keep the black tones for my scheme. This was then followed up by a couple light coats of my Jade Green.

The preshading allowed me to stick with a single color, rather than adding white to my jade green, as it was much lighter already. I rather liked the effect this gave me.

From there it was back to regular brush work for the carapace and the fleshy bits. As with the Crone/Harpy painting, I chose to start with a thin base coat of Rhinox Hide, followed by Khorne Red and a ultimate highlight of Mephiston Red. I chose not to do a third red because I was extremely sparing in the red on these plates, to the point where there wasn't really any plates with wide coverage of the Mephiston Red.

Finally, I painted the green fleshy bits with thinned moot greent, then highlights of Putrid Green and about 1:1 Putrid Green to White.

I didn't quite finish up the Haruspex parts yet since he was not going to make an appearance on Sunday. The final bit was the base. I drilled a couple holes in the feet and base and magnetized it to the base. I then covered the base in my sand/ballast, sprayed it black, and the did a grey drybrush. Finally I added some static grass patches for contrast.

And with that, the exocrine version was done. All I need now is to finish up the head and claws and I'll have a Haruspex ready to go as well.

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