
Monday, January 13, 2014

List Building: 1,850 Tyranid List

As I mentioned in my second review this morning, any list I build will be wildly in flux for the next couple months, particularly as my actual play-testing time is rare. After mentioning it as a goof, I couldn't help but try to create a list using a bastion to anchor the line.

With the new codex, at least until GW releases a FAQ, the old FAQ is null and void. Of particular interest with this is the fact that this means Tyranids can now use Emplaced Weapons (or is it weapon emplacements?). Suddenly my Zoanthrope can man a quad gun or Icarus Lascannon. Now, it wouldn't surprise me if this went away, but it's not the only reason for taking a Bastion.

A Zoanthrope in a bastion increases its Synapse footprint considerably, as well as staying out of harm's way. Similarly, a Venomthrope in a bastion has a bigger bubble of Shrouding. Unfortunately, they can't both occupy the building at the same time unless one jumps on the roof, but it offers some flexibility and choice, while also allowing for me to bring a nice big line of sight blocking piece of terrain to place right in front of my deployment zone.

While considering the Bastion, I was also debating troop selection. While I think hormagaunts might be worthwhile at 5 points, if I'm going for numbers, it's hard to argue with naked termagants. With these two ideas in mind, I came up with a slightly different 1,850 point list that I'm curious to try:

Hive Tyrant: Wings, Miasma Cannon, TL Devourers, Electroshock Grubs
Hive Tyrant: Wings, 2 TL Devourers, Electroshock Grubs
20 Termagants: 10 devourers
20 Termagants: 10 devourers
20 Termagants
20 Termagants
15 Termagants
Tyrannofex: Electroshock Grubs
Bastion: Quad Gun

With the masses of termagants, I will likely swap in some spinefists for free. I also have some spike rifle gants, and even though they're not very good, I have them and could use them. Some small changes I could see happening would be trading the Tyrannofex for an Exocrine and/or the Quad Gun for an Icarus Lascannon. A Comms Relay would be good if I decided to go with Mawlocs, possibly adding a Lictor to the list. In that case, the lictor could infiltrate into the Bastion positioned just inside my half of the board and then duck out to guide in a mawloc or two.

Also, some of those changes might free up points for more gants to either bring that last squad to 20 or add a sixth troop selection. Considering I'm not relying on them to cause damage most of the time, leaving a couple squads in reserve could help keep them out of harm's way.

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